Specialist Directory
Adatia, Nimet
Website: northwestprosthodontics.ca
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Northwest Prosthodontics
Suite #500, 4600 Crowchild Trail NW, Calgary
Phone: (587) 316-9986
Fax: (403) 247-9235
AlGhanim, Manar
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: chewchew.com
Chew Chew Pediatric Dentistry - Marda Loop
Suite #201, 2215 33 Avenue SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 228-0550
Email: mardaloop@chewchew.com
Chew Chew - Lincoln Park
Suite #1, 10 Richard Way SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 685-1910
Email: lincolnpark@chewchew.com
Aurora, Saljae
Website: auroraperiodontics.com
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of British Columbia
Aurora Periodontics
Suite #211, 4918 Roper Road NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 466-8486
Fax: (780) 669-5831
Email: saurora@me.com
Bajaj, Sameer
Website: springboroughendo.com
General Dentistry: University of California San Francisco - 2018
Graduate Program: University of Alberta - 2022
North Calgary Dental Specialists Endodontics & Periodontics
Suite #225, 160 96 Avenue NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 455-5453
Email: info@northcds.com
Basati, Simronjeet
Website: chestermerestationdentistry.com
Chestermere Station Dentistry
Suite #101, 175 Chestermere Station Way, Chestermere
Phone: (587) 349-5858
Batra, Abhishek
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: calgarysmiles.ca
Calgary Smiles Children’s Dental Specialists
Suite #203, 409 East Hill Blvd SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 300-2228
Fax: (403) 300-2227
Email: info@calgarysmiles.ca
Bharwani, Dolly
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: signatureorthodontics.com
Brar, Jaswinder
Website: calgaryperio.ca
Calgary Perio
403 Northland Professional Centre, 4600 Crowchild Trail NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 288-3334
Fax: (403) 288-7849
Email: info@calgaryperio.ca
Brooke, Kelly
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: brookeorthodontics.com
Brooke Orthodontics
Suite #120, 10601 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 278-1933
Email: admin@brookeortho.com
Bui, Tuan
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: sunridgeoralsurgery.ca
Sunridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Suite #2110, 2255 32 Street NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 235-0505
Fax: (403) 235-0548
Email: info@sunridgeoralsurgery.ca
South Calgary Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Suite #10125, 10201 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 271-1665
Fax: (403) 278-9944
Email: admin@scoms.ca
Bureau, Steve
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: stevebureauoms.com
Steve Bureau Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Suite #104, 4935 40 Avenue NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 286-2551
Fax: (403) 288-0509
Email: info@stevebureauoms.com
Burnham, David
Website: burnhamprosthodontics.com
Chahal, Prabhdeep
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: thesmileteam.ca
The Smile Team Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #235, 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW, Calgary
Phone: (587) 356-8326
Fax: (587) 356-8329
Email: info@thesmileteam.ca
Cheng, Karen
Website: perioedmonton.com
Primary Location
Suite #100, 6325 Gateway Blvd., Edmonton
Phone: (780) 438-5553
Email: info@perioedmonton.com
Chung, Eugene
Website: echungperio.com
General Dentistry: University of Alberta 2008
Graduate Program: University of Toronto 2015
Parkdale Periodontics
2626 Parkdale Blvd. NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 454-7768
Email: echungperio@gmail.com
Cohen, Warren
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: westcalgarybraces.com
Graduate Program: University of Manitoba
Surrideo Orthodontics
Suite #340, 5010 Richard Rd SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 282-7878
Fax: (403) 282-7788
Corbett, Jeffery
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Jeffery S. Corbett Orthodontics
117A Athabasca Avenue, Hinton
Phone: (780) 865-7800
Fax: (780) 865-7500
Crisanti, Michael
Website: springboroughendo.com
Springborough Endodontics
Suite #224, 30 Springborough Blvd SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 262-3636
Email: springboroughendo@telus.net
North Calgary Dental Specialists
Suite #225, 160 96th Avenue NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 455-5453
Email: info@northcds.com
Csillag, Anna
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Website: beamreaders.com
General Dentistry: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures (Marosvasarhely) Romania
Graduate Program: University of Toronto
Cziraki, Suzanne
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: myfamilyorthodontist.com
My Family Orthodontist - Airdrie
Suite #301, 800 Yankee Valley Blvd SW, Airdrie
Phone: (403) 980-7676
Davis, Shannon
Website: wsendodontics.com
Westside Endodontics
Suite #14, 7400 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 457-8400
Fax: (403) 775-4409
Email: info@wsendodontics.com
Debevc, Teresa
General Dentistry: University of Western Ontario
Graduate Program: University of British Columbia
Demeter, Angela
Website: southcalgaryperio.ca
South Calgary Periodontal Group
Suite #201, 747 Lake Bonavista Drive SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 278-5446
Fax: (403) 225-2764
Email: info@southcalgaryperio.ca
Fisher, Brad
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: sunridgeoralsurgery.ca
Sunridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Suite #2110, 2255 32 Street NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 235-0505
Fax: (403) 235-0548
Email: info@sunridgeoralsurgery.ca
South Calgary Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Suite #10125, 10201 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 271-1665
Fax: (403) 278-9944
Email: admin@scoms.ca
Flores-Mir, Carlos
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: ruudortho.com
Graduate Program: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia/University of Alberta
Ruud Orthodontic Associates
Suite #124, Westgate Centre 17010 90 Avenue, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 484-1511
Email: info@ruudortho.com
French, David
Website: drdavidfrench.ca
Dr. David French Periodontics
Suite #212, 3625 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 247-8656
Fax: (780) 247-8657
Godfrey, Matthew
Website: keystoneendo.ca
General Dentistry: West Virginia University
Graduate Program: Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City
Keystone Endodontics
Suite #323 11420 27th St SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 264-8650
Fax: (587) 955-8551
Email: office@keystoneendo.ca
Gotaas, Darrell
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: seoralsurgery.ca
South Edmonton Oral Surgery
Suite #100, 5555 Calgary Trail South, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 437-6777
Fax: (780) 437-7888
Email: reception@seoralsurgery.ca
Goth, Stephen
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: chinookoralsurgery.com
General Dentistry: University of Saskatchewan
Graduate Program: Jackson Memorial Hospital/University of Miami
Chinook Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Suite #121, 200 4th Avenue South, Lethbridge
Phone: (587) 425-1600
Fax: (587) 425-1601
Graham, Richard
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite # 215, 2920 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Grant, Cameron
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: brushfloss.ca
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of Manitoba
Brush Floss Dentistry for Children
Suite #101, 37 McKenzie Drive, Red Deer County
Phone: (403) 343-0000
Email: reception@brushfloss.ca
Gwin, Morgan
Website: chinookdentalgroup.com
Chinook Dental Group
Suite #5216, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 300-1990
Email: info@chinookdentalgroup.com
Harder, Richard
Website: lethbridgecentreendo.com
Lethbridge Centre Endodontics
Suite #810, 400 4th Avenue South, Lethbridge
Phone: (403) 381-3663
Fax: (403) 329-1118
Email: drrichardgharder@shaw.ca
Hulland, Sarah
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: abcpd.ca
ABC Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #530, 7015 MacLeod Trail SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 212-0809
Fax: (403) 255-9057
Email: toothworks@abcpd.ca
Jayachandran, Santhosh
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: levelorthodontics.ca
Level Orthodontics - South Location
2561 17 Street NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 250-2244
Fax: (780) 250-2243
Email: info@levelorthodontics.ca
Level Orthodontics - North Location
12420 167 Avenue, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 250-2244
Fax: (780) 250-2243
Email: info@levelorthodontics.ca
Jensen, James
Website: rockymountainendo.ca
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: Loma Linda University
Rocky Mountain Endodontics & Microsurgery
Suite #30, 3424 Fairway Plaza Road, Lethbridge
Phone: (587) 486-9858
Email: admin@rockymountainendo.ca
Kara, Aleem
Website: springboroughendo.com
Springborough Endodontics
#224, 30 Springborough Blvd SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 262-3636
Email: springboroughendo@telus.net
North Calgary Dental Specialists
#225, 160 96 Avenue NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 455-5453
Email: info@northcds.com
Keyes, Ryan
Website: keyprosthodontics.com
Key Prosthodontics
Suite #502, 2303 4th Street SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 228-9989
Fax: (888) 528-6620
Email: info@keyprosthodontics.com
Khatib, Omar
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: levelorthodontics.ca
Level Orthodontics - South Location
2561 17 Street NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 250-2244
Fax: (780) 250-2243
Email: info@levelorthodontics.ca
Level Orthodontics - North Location
12420 167 Avenue, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 250-2244
Fax: (780) 250-2243
Email: info@levelorthodontics.ca
Knoefel, Mark
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: oasisorthodontics.ca
General Dentistry: McGill University
Graduate Program: University of Alberta
Oasis Orthodontics
Suite #201, 13613 163 Street, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 457-5566
Fax: (780) 456-7047
Email: info@braceplace.ca
Krusky, Brad
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: kidssayahh.com
Sayahh City Marlborough Kids Dental Care
Suite #500, 433 Marlborough Way NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 248-5015
Fax: (403) 272-5426
Email: goodtimes@sayahhcity.com
Camp Sayahh Kids Dental Centre
Suite #101, 609 1 Street W, Cochrane
Phone: (587) 493-8188
Email: goodtimes@campsayahh.com
Kucey, Brian
Website: kuceydental.ca
Kucey Dental Group
Suite #200 Huntington Galleria, 4628 Calgary Trail, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 462-2194
Fax: (780) 462-4091
Email: info@kuceydental.ca
Kurji, Zahra
Pediatric Dentistry on 160
Suite #201 15961 97 Street NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 406-8870
Fax: (780) 406-8852
Email: info@peddent160.com
Lai, Christopher
Website: springboroughendo.com
Springborough Endodontics Location
Suite #224, 30 Springborough Blvd. SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 262-3636
Email: springboroughendo@telus.net
North Calgary Dental Specialists Location
Suite #225, 160 96 Avenue NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 455-5453
Email: info@northcds.com
Lalh, Saranjeev
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: renewsurgery.com
General Dentistry: Univeristy of Alberta
Graduate Program: Allegheny General Hospital
Renew Oral & Facial Surgical Centre
7115 109 Street, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 439-4399
Fax: (780) 439-4351
Email: referrals@renewsurgery.com
Lalli, Jay
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: northlandoralsurgery.com
Northland Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Centre
#Suite 204, Northland Professional Centre, 4600 Crow Child Trail, Calgary
Phone: (403) 286-5000
Fax: (403) 286-3333
Lam, Eugene
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: seoralsurgery.ca
General Dentistry: University of Saskatchewan
Graduate Program: University of Michigan
South Edmonton Oral Surgery
Suite #100, Wber Centre, 5555 Calgary Trail, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 437-6777
Email: reception@seoralsurgery.ca
Lesniak, Robert
Website: refineprosthodontics.com
General Dentistry: University of ALberta
Graduate Program: University of British Columbia
Lim, Terry
Website: terrylimpros.ca
Dr. Terry Lim Prosthodontics
Suite #860, 10655 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 278-6050
Email: terrylimpros@hotmail.com
Lukat, Trish
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Website: canaray.com
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of Toronto
Canaray Calgary
Suite #703, Chinook Centre Professional Tower, 6455 Macleod Trail SW, Calgary
Phone: (877) 498-9729
Fax: (877) 498-9329
Email: info@canaray.com
Magathan, Jose Johanna
Dental Anesthesiology
Website: downtownedmontondentist.com
Magathan Dental Centre
Suite #107 Compass Place, 10050 112 Street, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 482-4800
Email: info@magathan.com
McCoy, Ryan
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: renewsurgery.com
Renew Oral & Facial Surgical Centre
7115 109 Street NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 439-4399
Fax: (780) 439-4351
Merrill, Tyson
Website: peakprosthodontics.ca
Peak Prosthodontics
Suite #20, 3424 Fairway Plaza Road S, Lethbridge
Phone: (587) 486-9868
Email: info@peakdsp.ca
Nijjar, Simrit
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of Manitoba
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #215, 2920 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Olsen, James
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: chinookoralsurgery.com
Chinook Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Suite #121, 200 - 4th Avenue South, Lethbridge
Phone: (587) 425-1600
Fax: (587) 425-1601
Olsen, Michael
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: authenticortho.com
Authentic Orthodontics
Suite #540, 19489 Seton Crescent SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 523-9101
Email: smiles@authenticortho.com
Palmer, Adam
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #215, 2920 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Pereira, Camila Pacheco
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Website: edxi.com
General Dentistry: University of São Paulo, Brazil
Graduate Program: University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, US
Edmonton Diagnostic Imaging Inc.
6643 177 Street NW, Calling Wood Square, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 483-1338
Fax: (780) 483-1393
Email: info@edxi.com
Piepgrass, Michael
Website: gpperio.ca
General Dentistry: University of Kentucky
Graduate Program: University of Kentucky
Rastegari, Tahmineh
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: childrensdental.ca
Ray, Maria
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #215, 2920 Calgary Trail South, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Reiter, Robyn
Website: kwanandreiter.ca
General Dentistry: Univeristy of Alberta
Graduate Program: Boston
Robyn H. Reiter Prof. Corp.
Suite #1120, 5555 Calgary Trail NW, Clark Builders Place, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 249-2004
Fax: (780) 249-2007
Email: kwanandreiter@gmail.com
Rix, Douglas
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: drrix.com
Rix Orthodontics
Suite #500, 400 Crowfoot Crescent NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 202-4070
Email: smile@drrix.com
Robertson, Kevin
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: foundationoralsurgery.ca
General Dentistry: University of the Pacific
Graduate Program: Loyola University Medical Center
Foundation Oral Surgery
Suite #5116, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 263-5193
Fax: (403) 269-7557
Email: info@foundationos.ca
Russett, Shawn
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: signatureorthodontics.com
Ruud, Diane
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Website: ruudortho.com
Diane M. Ruud Orthodontic Associates
Suite #124, 17010 90 Avenue, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 484-1511
Email: dmruud@shaw.ca
Saher, Farida
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: dentalcareforchildren.ca
Dental Care for Children - South Port Office
Suite #104, 10601 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 278-8000
Dental Care for Children - Sunridge Office
Suite #110, 3363 26 Avenue NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 457-3311
Schwann, Sandra
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: kidsrusdentistry.com
Kids R Us Dentistry
Suite #101, 10201 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 640-0000
Fax: (403) 640-2599
Email: info@kidsrusdentistry.com
Shabehpour, Kiarash
Chinook Dental Group
Suite #5216, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 300-1990
Fax: (403) 300-1989
Email: info@chinookdentalgroup.com
Shim, Jocelyne
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of Toronto
Singh, Prabhjot
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Website: toothsuitefamilydentistry.com
Tooth Suite Family Dentistry
5019 47th Street, Lloydminister
Phone: (780) 875-4312
Email: toothsuite@shaw.ca
Straga, Robert
Website: edmontonperiodontics.com
Dr. Robert Straga Periodontist
9636 102A Avenue, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 428-6788
Email: rstraga@gmail.com
Switzer, Samuel
Website: southportendodontics.com
Southport Endontics
Suite #590, 10655 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 258-0445
Fax: (403) 258-1023
Thomas, Benjamin
Website: springboroughendo.com
General Dentistry: University of North Carolina
Graduate Program: University of North Carolina
North Calgary Dental Specialists - Periodontist
Suite #225, 160 96 Avenue NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 455-5453
Email: info@northcds.com
Varughese, Rae
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: childrensdental.ca
Children’s Dental Centre
421 Mistatim Way NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 428-5437
Email: info@childrensdental.ca
Vaziri, Fardad
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: childrensdental.ca
Children’s Dental Centre
#210, 11808 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 428-5437
Email: info@childrensdental.ca
Vu, Wendy
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Primary Location
Wiebe, Colin
Website: southcalgaryperio.ca
General Dentistry: University of Alberta 1992
Graduate Program: University of British Columbia 1997
South Calgary Periodontal Group
Suite #201, 747 Lake Bonavista Drive SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 256-7423
Fax: (403) 225-2764
Email: info@southcalgaryperio.ca
Wierzbicki, Tom
Website: westcalgaryperio.ca
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of Manitoba
West Calgary Periodontics
#2300, 8561 - 8A Avenue SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 727-5307
Fax: (403) 727-5278
Email: info@westcalgaryperio.ca
Yaholnitsky, Bruce
Habijanic Perio
Suite #100, 10601 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 278-3177
Fax: (403) 225-2557
Email: info@habijanicperio.ca
Yu, Thomas
Website: thomasyu.ca
Dr. Thomas Yu Periodontist
Suite #1007, 1333 8th Street SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 228-2059
Email: thomasyuperio@gmail.com
Zealand, Cameron
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: northcalgarypediatricdentistry.com
General Dentistry: University of Manitoba
Graduate Program: University of Michigan
North Calgary Pediatric Dentistry
8290C Centre Street NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 295-8010
Fax: (403) 295-8022
Email: referrals@NCPD.ca
Zuker, Ethan
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: mahoganykidsteeth.com
Mahogany Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #210, 3 Mahogany Row SE, Calgary
Phone: (587) 794-3326
Fax: (587) 794-3327
Email: info@mahoganykidsteeth.com